What makes a cloud?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

WHat are clouds made of and what can they bring?

 Clouds are made of water and ice plain and simple. But sometimes water can become polluted by chemicals and oils, this mixture can evaporate and condense like normal water but when it falls it becomes acid rain. Acid rain can damage monuments and plants. Acid rain is most dense in big cities.
 Clouds can bring terrible storms such as tornadoes and hurricanes. These storms can cause serious damage to homes and building. Many people have died as a result of these. The safest thing to do is to get in a storm cellar and let it pass.
 Some people chase storms for a living. I think they have an exciting job because i think storms are exciting. One storm chaser built a specially equipped vehicle that can drive through tornadoes.

1 comment:

  1. I have read that clouds are like air and water particles that sit on dust particles and then group together. I've always wanted to know what acid rain was. Thank you kyle.
